Harbour Jazzband
Welkom op de website van de Harbour Jazzband, één van de oudste, nog actieve jazzbands van Nederland.
De Harbour Jazzband is opgericht te Rotterdam in 1956 en heeft zich van oudsher toegelegd op de klassieke jazzmuziek uit de jaren ’20, ’30, ’40 en ’50 van de vorige eeuw. Te denken valt aan de muziek van Bix beiderbecke, Duke Ellington, Bobby Hackett, Jack Teagarden, Eddie Condon en de Rampart Street Paraders, maar ook aan de Swing van Benny Goodman. Sinds 13 jaar (dus vanaf 2008) heeft het orkest een specifieke Eddie Condon-bezetting met Ton Hameeteman op de piano en Jan Wouter Alt op baritonsax en klarinet. De bezetting is verder: Flip Robers trombone, Hans Verheul klarinet en saxen, Matthijs Willering banjo, Ludo Deckers bas en Raymond van der Hooft drums en vocal. Cornettist is Bart Tuinman..
Welcome at the website of the Harbour Jazzband from Rotterdam, Netherlands.
The Harbour Jazzband was founded in 1956 in Rotterdam and is one of the oldest playing classic jazzbands in Holland.
It is named after Europe’s largest main port. The band is nowadays located in The Hague, centre of several International Courts
The Harbour Jazzband is playing classic jazz and swing in the Chicago style of Eddie Condon, Bix Beiderbecke, Bobby Hackett, Billy Butterfield, Ernie Caceres and Fats Waller. For this style it is unique in the world.
Apart from the musical high standard, it’s a band with a long lasting line up. Leader and trombone player Flip Robers joined the band in 1978. Jan Wouter Alt, played from 1987-1990 and 1991 -1995 in the band. He rejoined the orchestra in 2008 together with Ton Hameeteman to make the Condon line-up complete. Ludo Deckers, Hans Verheul and Matthijs Willering joined the band in 1990/1991.
It has a line up with trumpet, trombone, two reeds, guitar/banjo, piano, double bass and drums.
The tunes we play are inspired from the the famous Eddie Condon Town Hall Concerts of 1944 and 1945.
Recent recordings
The Harbour Jazzband has recorded in 2017 for the STS Analog label a live LP. Click here for listening